Let our stylists 'do' you, for your next big makeover.

Select your branch:

Malboro, Goblet, Ward 15, Plot 26

Coeurl Up' and Dye Salon
Malboro, Goblet, Ward 15, Plot 26

***An interactive roleplaying hair salon/barbershop. Share your hair and glamour goals with our stylists. Clothing items are sold via mannequins, modern aesthetic hairstyle books for sale from staff. Consultations and services are free, but will accept head pats :3. Clients will need to see the aesthetician for hair changes to take affect. If Your not interested in Roleplaying, and just want a quick glamour let us know.

Backstory on the Stylist:Abandoned by his litter as a young kitten during the Bozja occupation. The stylist was adopted by a kind, caring, lalafallen sweetheart named Maple, giving him the proper lala name 'Fava Bean.' He then spent much of his early life fishing for the admirals pirate fleet in Limsa Lominsa before deciding on a career change. He picked up his seawater soaked fur and traveled to the newly opened city of Ishgard to attend Jandeline's school of cosmetology. There he learned the secrets of coiffure from the master himself! Trading the fishing rod for a pair of scissors, Fava has dedicated himself to bringing life to the tresses of many an unkempt adventurer, opening a small salon business in the Goblet under the admirals coaxing.The hair salon, aptly named Coeurl Licked, brings the haute couture of Ishgard to working class eorzeans, coupled with the sexy Limsan beach fashion, the 'now' platinum blonde admiral is showcasing to the reformed pirate riff raff. Whether your looking for trim or a whole new you, Fava's chair is open!

Featured Gents Hairstyles
(* Purchasable modern aesthetic hairstyle)
@ For screenshots only

* Close Shave

* Modern Legend

* Wind Caller

Ala mhigan fade

Gridanian hawk

Bald shave

Limsan top knot

Man bun

@ Coeurl taper

@ Soldier first class

Featured Lasses Hairstyles
(* Purchasable modern aesthetic hairstyle)
@ Screenshots only

* Battle ready bobs

*Form and Function

* Samsonian locks

* Saintly style

*Early to Rise

*Gyr Abanian plait

*Controlled Chaos


@ Doman updo

@ Moonfire faire blowout

Get Your own Spots!

Our Mannequin displays showcase the hotest glamour trends in Eorzea! Couerl Licked sources the finest coeurl pelts from upper La Noscea, to make the highest quality coeurl briefs, armbands, tangas, and halters. Sure to put a little purr in your step and turn heads at Costa Del Sol.

Courtesy of Rowena's house of splenders, Coeurl Up' and Dye Salon is now offering nail services! This refurbished alagan automatic nail spa channels electricity in concentrated aether currents to tackle the hardest of cuticles.( Please note alagan nail spa chair is a couple astral eras over warranty. Rowena holds no financial responsibility for any burns, split nails, or hearing voidsent speaking into your mind from using the product.)

Client Selfies ^.^

Coeurl Licked Spa & Bathhouse
Malboro, Goblet, Ward 26, plot 37
Nestled away atop the sultannas Goblets houseing district. Is our very own bathhouse that could rival the finest onsens in Hingashi. Relax in our high quality ambience, steamy hot baths, cute fish <><. Hidden secrets and great conversations await you inside!

Tadaa! Voidsent tanning beds
* Just BYOF! ( Bring Your Own Fantasia )

The newest addition to Coeurl Licked Salons list of services! These voidsent tanning beds are the latest in refurbished sixth umbral era mhachi technology, courtesy of Lolorito imports. Powered by a cornucopia of aetheric crystals and otherworldly energies beyond the rift. This treatment is for those more adventurous patrons looking to show off a more dramatic change. Just sip a fantasia before getting inside, turn the dial on the amount of dark energy you wish to channel and before you know it, Calofisteri will be morphing your corporeal form to your new you!Review from Fava
I myself have tried it at least more then once without any end goals in mind and emerged all paws and claws just fine. Without any serious side effects besides some tail wagging. Sure to impress your friends this all saints wake and give them a story to tell!

Disclaimer from Lolorito imports
This product has only been tested on lalafel prisoners and is not yet certified for all Eorzean use. Lolorito imports hold no responsibility if the following occurs: Death, unwanted results in morphological appearance, impaired sense of morality, or affinity towards acquiring aether for undead voidsent overlords. If unhappy with the product, please return merchandise to one Lade Amandine of the Hawke estate in East Shroud.